Fraud Prevention Series: How to Avoid Spear Phishing, the Most Successful Scam

You’ve heard of phishing, the internet scam of sending emails and messages pretending to be a reputable company in order to trick you into divulging your personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers. But are familiar with the new practice of “spear phishing”? It’s quickly becoming the most successful form of fraud and acquisition of confidential information and now accounts for 91% of all scam attempts

Ways to Protect Your Account

Summer is a popular time to plan a relaxing staycation or seek out a fun destination. Whether you decide to stay home or hit the road, the last thing you want to worry about is the security of your financial accounts. Here are some ways to protect your accounts for peace of mind while you’re having fun in the sun.

The Most Common Credit Score Myths

For something as key to your financial well-being as your credit score, it’s important to know which factors affect your score and how to improve it. There are a lot of misconceptions and misinformation floating around about how to build up your credit score. Read on to learn more and debunk some myths surrounding your credit score.