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Youth Accounts That Grow with Your Child
OU Credit Union's youth savings accounts provide the tools and resources for your child's bright financial future and make learning fun and interactive.

Youth savings accounts at OU Credit Union include:

• No annual fees or minimum deposits
• Option to add Certificates which earn higher, fixed dividends
• As your child grows, the option to add a checking account with Visa Debit Card, or a low-rate, low-limit Visa Credit Card
• Account access via ComputerLine, and the OU Credit Union Mobile app

Financial Education For Kids: Welcome To OU Credit Union's FUNtivity Zone! Check out the video below to learn more.

Sweet Pea
Newborn - 2

Designed for newborns - 2, this account starts your child's financial future with the right building blocks that will help them be financially responsible throughout life.

Dollar Dog
Ages 3 - 6

Designed for children ages 3 - 6, this account will help your child learn about saving money through fun contests and promotions.

Cyber Saver
Ages 7 - 10

Designed for children ages 7 - 10, this account teaches positive savings habits, through fun contests and promotions.

Money Club
Ages 11 - 13

Designed for teens 11 - 13, this account teaches smart saving and spending habits, and budget management through contests, promotions and events.

CU Succeed
Ages 14 - 17

Designed for teens 14 - 17, this account helps teens develop budgets, track income and spending, and understand the cost of using credit.

All youth account members will receive one coin for every $10 deposited into their accounts. Use these coins to purchase fun items in the Youth Store in ComputerLine®

Step 1
Make deposits into the youth account, both cash and electronic deposits will earn coins.

Step 2
Sign in to ComputerLine to view the number of coins earned. Click Redeem Now! to enter the store.

Step 3
Once you select the prize(s) and submit the order, the prizes will be mailed directly to your home!
What happens to my child's youth account when they turn 18?
When your child turns 18, the youth account will automatically change into a Grizzly Saver. Additionally, as your child is no longer classified as a minor, they would be able to be an account holder without a parent/guardian as the joint party present. The parent or guardian can be removed from the account with an Assignment of Interest form. Additional changes include that your child is now eligible for Courtesy Pay, and your child would be eligible to apply for a Visa increase and remove their parent from an existing Visa if applicable.
What kind of access do youth members have to their account?
Youth account members have full access to the account, and nearly full access to all the services that we provide at the Credit Union. The account requires a joint party until the youth member is 18 years of age. A youth member can have a Visa Debit Card issued at any age, and they are able to have a Visa Credit Card with a joint party/co-borrower. OU Credit Union offers youth accounts more so to help these members with positive savings habits, to create opportunities to learn about finances and familiarity with visiting or contacting the credit union. Youth members can also participate in contests throughout the year and win prizes.
Will I need to switch youth accounts as my child gets older?
You will not need to make any changes as your child gets older and progresses through the different youth account stages, ie. Sweet Pea: 0-2 years old, Dollar Dog: 3-6 years old, Cyber Saver: 7-10 years old, Money Club: 11-13 years old, CU Succeed: 14-17 years old. These changes will be made automatically. The main reason we have separate types of Youths accounts, is to ensure that we are offering individualized growth and engagement opportunities for each youth member. As an example, for Sweet Pea members we recommend products such as Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (CESA), and Free Gaming Apps, while alternatively for CU Succeed Accounts, we might recommend other products and services such as the Mobile app, Youth Visa, and Checking and Debit Card.
How do I make deposits in to my child's account?
Deposits can be made to your child's account the same way that you would to any standard account. You can make a deposit checks via eDeposit, OU Credit Union branches, shared branches, or mail. If the child is able to sign their own name, they are able to endorse the check. Otherwise, a joint party on the youth account may sign and write that it is on behalf of the a minor.

Additionally, we can connect your account with your child's account so that you are able to make a deposit using "MoveMoney" while logged into your account. We can set up this Transfer Access after your child's account has been opened.
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